Got raccoons in your attic/garage/deck? Call – Toronto for help and animal removal services.

Often when people are in conflict with wildlife, they think the best solution is moving the animal. Wildlife relocation is seen as an easy, quick and humane way to solve conflicts, but this is not usually the case. Relocating wild animals may cause more harm than good, with undesirable consequences for both people and wildlife.

When it comes to removal of nuisance wildlife from your attic, garage, or deck the best solution is to take preventative measures. Wildlife Control Companies use proven techniques to get the animals out and keep them out.

Raccoons are found all over Ontario, in forests and towns and cities.  They can adapt to live in a wide range of habitats. Movements and home ranges of raccoons vary greatly. In rural areas, home ranges between one and four square kilometers are common. At the other extreme, the area used by urban raccoons may be just a bit larger than a professional soccer field.
Raccoons in the wild live about three to five years. The annual life cycle of raccoons consists of a breeding period during late winter and early spring, a growth and fattening period during the summer and fall, and a winter denning period. Raccoons will consume practically any food item, plant or animal. Predators include coyotes, foxes, wolves, owls and fishers. However, malnutrition and harsh winter weather play a greater role in limiting raccoon populations, especially young animals.


Raccoon Recon

With their ringed tail and black and white face mask, Raccoons are easy to recognize. Their distinctive markings are what give them their nickname:  the “masked bandits” of the forest.

What they Eat

Medium sized omnivores, Raccoons eat almost anything – from fruit, nuts and berries to frogs, insects, bird eggs and mice. Urban Raccoons also scavenge for food in dumpsters, garbage cans, and composts. Pet food left outdoors is also a favourite snack.

Where they Live

Raccoons living in residential areas often make their dens in chimneys, garages, attics, under sheds, porches, and decks.

Life with Humans

In populated areas such as Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Raccoons have plenty of sources for food and shelter and few natural predators. Their prolific breeding (3-6 young born in the spring), and adaptability to human neighborhoods, means that their numbers are steadily growing. In the urban areas, most raccoons are not even afraid of humans. We see a lot of cases where the homeowner tried to scare the raccoon away and was unsuccessful.

Fast Fact

Raccoons are extremely intelligent, curious animals have the uncanny ability to open containers, cabinets and even refrigerators to access food. In fact, they can remember solutions to complex tasks up to three years later!